notifySuccess on saveEvent not working, seeing error in console

The “notifySuccess on saveEvent not working” error can have a few different causes. Here are a couple of things you can try to troubleshoot the problem:

  1. Make sure that the notifySuccess function is being called correctly. Check that the function is being invoked with the correct parameters and that the function is defined in the same scope as the saveEvent function.
  2. Check if the notifySuccess function is defined and implemented correctly. Make sure that the function is defined and that it is performing the correct actions when it is invoked.
  3. Check if the notifySuccess function is being called after the saveEvent function has successfully completed. Make sure that the saveEvent function is successfully executing before the notifySuccess function is being called.
  4. Make sure that the notifySuccess function is being invoked with the correct context, for example, if the function is defined inside a class component, make sure it’s being called using this.notifySuccess()
  5. Check the browser console for any error messages, it could give you more information about the problem.
  6. Check if the notifySuccess function is being blocked by any security plugin or rules, you can check in your browser’s console to see if there’s any CORS error.
  7. Check if there are any other errors in your code that might be preventing the notifySuccess function from working correctly.
  8. Check if the event listener is correctly attached to the DOM element, and that the function is being called when the event is fired.

These are some general suggestions, the actual cause of the error may vary depending on the specific circumstances. It would be helpful to check the browser’s developer console and see the error message, it will provide more information about the problem.

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