“Submit is not a function” error in Python Selenium

Submit is not a function" error in Python Selenium

The “submit is not a function” error in Python Selenium typically occurs when you are trying to call the submit() method on an element that does not support it. This can happen when you are trying to submit a form that is not enclosed within a <form> element, or when you are trying to submit an element that is not a form element (e.g. a button or a link).

Here are a couple of things you can try to fix this error:

  1. Make sure that the element you are trying to submit is a form element (i.e. an <input>, <select>, <textarea>, etc.) or is enclosed within a <form> element.
  2. Make sure that the element you are trying to submit has a name attribute set. Some websites use JavaScript to submit forms, and the name attribute is used to identify the form being submitted.
  3. Make sure that the element you are trying to submit is not disabled. If the element is disabled, it cannot be submitted.
  4. Check if the website is using JavaScript to submit the form, in this case you may need to use Selenium’s execute_script() method to submit the form using JavaScript.
  5. Make sure that the element you are trying to submit is visible on the page before trying to submit it. Selenium will not be able to interact with an element if it is not visible.
  6. Make sure that the element you are trying to submit is not inside an iframe, if it’s inside an iframe you should switch to the iframe before interacting with the element.
  7. Make sure that the element you are trying to submit is not inside a modal, if it’s inside a modal you should interact with the modal before interacting with the element.

If you are still encountering the error after trying these suggestions, it might be helpful to take a look at the HTML source code of the page and make sure that the element you are trying to submit is correctly structured.

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