Disable JavaScript error in WebBrowser control

Disable JavaScript error in WebBrowser control
Disable JavaScript error in WebBrowser control

Disable JavaScript error in WebBrowser control

There are a few ways to disable JavaScript errors in a WebBrowser control in Windows Forms application.

One way is to handle the WebBrowser.ScriptError event and set the Handled property of the WebBrowserScriptErrorEventArgs to true in the event handler. This will prevent the error from being displayed in the WebBrowser control

webBrowser1.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;

Another way is to set the ScriptErrorsSuppressed property of the WebBrowser control to true. This will suppress all script errors and prevent the error messages from being displayed.

webBrowser1.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;

You can also handle the NewWindow event and set Cancel property of the WebBrowserNewWindowEventArgs to true in the event handler. This will prevent the error page from being opened in a new window.

webBrowser1.NewWindow += (sender, e) => e.Cancel = true;

Please note that by disabling the JavaScript error message on the client side, you will not be able to identify the root cause of the error, which can make it harder to troubleshoot and fix issues in your application. It’s always a good idea to test your application with JavaScript errors enabled during development, and only disable them when you are ready to release the application to users.

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